Building container images on Kubernetes is a desirable capability. It opens new avenues of continuous integration (CI). We are no longer tied to using something like Jenkins to schedule our CI build jobs. We can use the scheduling proficiency of Kubernetes instead. There are multiple ways of building [OCI]( container images today. The "old fashioned" method of using Docker is still popular and improving every day. It brings the exciting concept of [Docker-in-Docker]( (or DinD) to the table as well. There's [img]( from Genuine Tools or [Buildah]( from Red Hat. They are all great options to get the job done. Unfortunately, they're all very limited when it comes to building images in Kubernetes. Enters [kaniko]( from Google. As the tag line for it says, "Build Container Images In Kubernetes". The kaniko [README]( on GitHub is a pretty good introduction. But as is always the case, the devil is in the detail. That is the reason I'm writing this post. kaniko can build a container image without needing a Docker daemon. It can run in a Docker container (say on Docker for Mac) as well as on Kubernetes. The aforementioned README does warn us, > kaniko is meant to be run as an image, We do > not recommend running the kaniko executor binary in another image, as it > might not work. kaniko, as of this writing, supports pushing the newly built image to [Google GCR]( and [Amazon ECR]( It supports sourcing the build context -- Dockerfile and other files needed to build the image -- from a local directory in the container running kaniko in addition to from either [Google GCS]( or [Amazon S3]( bucket. With these parameters in view, I set about running kaniko in Docker on my localhost and in Kubernetes in [Amazon EKS]( My goal was to build a container image to run [kubectl]( # ECR Repository and IAM First thing was to create an ECR repository (to push the image to) and associated IAM configuration to allow kaniko to work with it. I used Terraform for this task. # provider "aws" { profile = "${var.profile}" shared_credentials_file = "${var.creds_file}" region = "${var.region}" } resource "aws_ecr_repository" "kubectl" { name = "kubectl" } resource "aws_iam_group" "ecr-power-user" { name = "ecr-power-user" path = "/" } resource "aws_iam_user" "kaniko" { name = "kaniko" path = "/" force_destroy = false } resource "aws_iam_group_membership" "ecr-power-user" { name = "ecr-power-user" users = [ "${}", ] group = "${}" } resource "aws_iam_group_policy_attachment" "kaniko_AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser" { group = "${}" policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser" } resource "aws_iam_access_key" "kaniko" { user = "${}" pgp_key = "${var.gpg_public_key}" } output "key-id" { value = "${}" } output "secret-key" { value = "${aws_iam_access_key.kaniko.encrypted_secret}" } # AWS Credentials The two output values in the above Terraform config allowed me to construct an [AWS credentials file]( to be used by kaniko. For example, # credentials [default] aws_access_key_id=RandomIdString aws_secret_access_key=ChangeMeOrGoHome region=us-east-1 Replace the values in this file according to your requirements. # Dockerfile The third thing needed was a Dockerfile to build the image with kubectl installed, # Dockerfile FROM alpine RUN apk add --update bash curl && \ adduser -D -s /bin/bash me && \ curl -sL -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl$(curl -s && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl && \ curl -sL -o /usr/local/bin/heptio-authenticator-aws && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/heptio-authenticator-aws && \ mkdir -p /home/me/.kube USER me These resources were immensely helpful, - [install-kubectl]( - [Manage Kubernetes authentication and authorization using Heptio Authenticator and Helm]( # Docker config.json kaniko's container image comes with a default config.json, mounted in /kaniko/.docker/, which is geared towards GCR. Since in my case I was using ECR, I had to create a different config, like do, # config.json { "credHelpers": { "": "ecr-login" } } In the file above, replace _123123123_ with the account ID of your own AWS account and replace _us-east-1_ with the region that suits you. # Run kaniko in Docker I first ran kaniko in Docker to learn more about how it should be used. I could have easily run it in Kubernetes first as well. Pull the kaniko executor image, $ docker pull Run kaniko in Docker, $ docker run \ --rm \ -v $(PWD)/Dockerfile:/workspace/Dockerfile \ -v $(PWD)/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials:ro \ -v $(PWD)/config.json:/kaniko/.docker/config.json:ro \ \ --context dir:///workspace/ \ --dockerfile Dockerfile \ --destination In the command above, replace _123123123_ with the account ID of your own AWS account and replace _us-east-1_ with the region that suits you. If the ~/.aws/credentials file you created above does not have a _default_ profile, you will need to provide environment variable *AWS_PROFILE* with its value being the profile to use. I got an error when I didn't have a default profile and I didn't set the environment variable: "error pushing image: failed to push to destination unsupported status code 401; body;". I believe it's related to ``/kaniko/docker-credential-ecr-login``. I also made the mistake of mounting config.json to /root/.docker/config.json instead of /kaniko/.docker/config.json. That caused the same error as above: "error pushing image: failed to push to destination unsupported status code 401; body;". It wasn't easy to spot the difference between expected and actual paths because they so closely resembled each other. The kaniko project also provides a debug image in case you need to figure out what's going wrong. This image was immensely helpful to me. Use the debug image like so, $ docker run \ -it \ --entrypoint /busybox/sh \ --rm \ -v $(PWD)/Dockerfile:/workspace/Dockerfile \ -v $(PWD)/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials:ro \ -v $(PWD)/config.json:/kaniko/.docker/config.json:ro \ Notice how in the debug image I start a Bourne shell session in interative mode instead of running the kaniko executor binary with all the other configuration intact. # Run kaniko in Kubernetes Once I got a container image built with kaniko in Docker and pushed it to ECR, I was ready to run kaniko in Kubernetes. These were the main steps, - Create a separate namespace to isolate things - Create a secret to store AWS credentials - Create a configmap to store config.json - Create a configmap to store Dockerfile - Create a pod manifest to run kaniko Create Kubernetes namespace manifest, # namespace.yml "kind": "Namespace" "apiVersion": "v1" "metadata": "name": "ns-kaniko" "labels": "name": "ns-kaniko" Create Kubernetes namespace, $ kubectl apply -f namespace.yml Create secret, $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko create secret generic aws-creds --from-file=credentials Keep in mind that the names of the file _must_ match the name as it should appear in the pod when the secret is mounted as a volume. I ran into issues when I tried to have a different name for the file from which the secret is created than the expected name in the pod. For example, if ``--from-file=credentials`` was instead ``--from-file=aws-credentials``, the file mounted in the pod would be /root/.aws/aws-credentials instead of /root/.aws/credentials as expected. Create configmaps, $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko create configmap config-json --from-file=config.json $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko create configmap build-context --from-file=Dockerfile Similar to the name of the file in secret above, the names of the file _must_ match the name as it should appear in the pod when the configmap is mounted as a volume. Create pod manifest, similar to the ``docker run`` command above. We want to keep things as similar as possible so we get the same results. # kaniko.yml kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: kaniko spec: containers: - name: kaniko image: args: - "--context=dir:///workspace" - "--dockerfile=Dockerfile" - "" volumeMounts: - name: aws-creds mountPath: /root/.aws/ readOnly: true - name: config-json mountPath: /kaniko/.docker/ readOnly: true - name: build-context mountPath: /workspace/ readOnly: true restartPolicy: Never volumes: - name: aws-creds secret: secretName: aws-creds - name: config-json configMap: name: config-json - name: build-context configMap: name: build-context Create kaniko pod, $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko apply -f kaniko.yml Track the logs of this pod, $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko logs kaniko Similar to running kaniko debug container in Docker above, we can run a debug container in Kubernetes. Create a separate pod manifest, # kaniko-debug.yml kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: kaniko-debug spec: containers: - name: kaniko-debug image: command: - "/busybox/cat" args: - "/workspace/Dockerfile" - "/root/.aws/credentials" - "/kaniko/.docker/config.json" volumeMounts: - name: aws-creds mountPath: /root/.aws/ readOnly: true - name: config-json mountPath: /kaniko/.docker/ readOnly: true - name: build-context mountPath: /workspace/ readOnly: true restartPolicy: Never volumes: - name: aws-creds secret: secretName: aws-creds - name: config-json configMap: name: config-json - name: build-context configMap: name: build-context Unlike debug in Docker, here we don't start a Bourne shell to troubleshoot. Instead, we just run the commands we need. $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko apply -f kaniko-debug.yml Later, we can look at the pod logs, $ kubectl --namespace ns-kaniko logs kaniko-debug # Conclusion Building container images with kaniko involves a few more steps than I had imagined before I began. I stumbled and struggled with some things, especially when trying to debug when things went wrong. But when I got it all working it was pretty straightforward to continue to make it work. I recommend trying this out to see if kaniko can bring advantages to your work. It certainly has to mine.